Megger S1-552/MIT-520 insulation tester - USB driver installation

The instructions in this document apply to using the USB port on older MIT and S1 insulation testers, such as S1-552 and MIT-520 models.

The link to download the TI USB driver for Megger MIT and S1 insulation resistance models is shown below.  Follow the steps below for installation on all PCs, including those running Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.

Once the file is downloaded, follow the steps given here.  Do not connect the instrument  to the PC until these steps are completed.

1. Unzip the file that was downloaded. 

NOTE: When installing on a machine with Windows 7, 8 or 10, it is suggested that the exe files used during the following installation steps be initiated by right-clicking on the exe file name and selecting “Run as administrator”. 

2. Run the exe file TUSBWINVCP_WDF-Single_Driver_v1-2.exe.  (This step installs the necessary files into a folder named Texas Instruments in your Program Files folder.)

3. Run the file named setup.exe in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\TUSB3410 Single Driver Installer\DISK1.  (This step actually installs the instrument driver.)

4. Connect the instrument to the PC and turn on the test set.  Verify correct installation by viewing your PC Device Manager and locating the USB to Serial entry in the Ports (COM & LPT) folder.  It will be designated similar to “TUSB3410 Device (COMX)”. 


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  • 0
    Glenn De Pedro

    hello Mark. I did all the steps you mentioned but still, I cant find the TUSB3410 Device (COMX) port on Device manager. Please advise. Thanks.

  • 1
    Don Lemare

    Same thing,  code 28 with Device driver.   I found some newer TUSB3410 drivers that at least have a Win7 install directory,   and no more code 28.   However,  they won't talk to the Megger S1-1568 using USB, unable to find Com port 5.

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